Magnesium For Pain Relief
Our new Relief On The Go line makes it easy to take our incredible magnesium pain relief, sanitizer and bug spray with you wherever you go!
All-natural, effective and mobile for your busy lifestyle.
The Best Magnesium for Pain Relief and More, On-the-Go!
Magnesium and pain relief go together. The handcrafted products we offer are not just for pain relief and getting rid of bugs and germs, they include Magnesium Chloride taken from The Dead Sea that repairs skin cells, lifts the immune system, reduces inflammation, and reduces joint and muscle pain. Our “On-the-Go” travel-size versions of these products are convenient and easy to use. Simply shake, spray, and apply to your skin when and where needed.
​Pain Be Gone Spray
Containing a natural and powerful blend of magnesium, essential oils, and botanicals, our Pain Be Gone Spray effectively soothes achy and stiff joints, combats inflammation, eases aches and pains, and relieves cramping muscles. Magnesium as a pain relief product can also strengthen the immune system, boost endurance, increase energy, and enhance performance. Use it daily as needed, On-the-Go!
Germs Be Gone Spray
Specially formulated with Magnesium, our new Germs Be Gone Spray is wonderful for your skin, but bad news for the germs on your skin. This On-the-Go sanitizer kills bacteria and germs without leaving your hands feeling sticky, coated, or dry. It also enhances the immune system. Do more than just sanitize. Include the power of Magnesium with our On-the-Go Germs Be Gone Spray!
Bugs Be Gone Spray
As an all-natural bug spray repellent, our new Bugs Be Gone Spray is bad news for the bugs but awesome for your skin. Containing pure essential oils, it naturally keeps away bugs, insects, and mosquitos. With a Deet-Free formulation Bugs Be Gone Spray does not leave your skin with a sticky residue after use. Use it On-the-Go!
Order Our On-the-Go Magnesium Products for Pain Relief and More!
To learn more about the convenient On-the-Go magnesium for pain relief products we offer, call us today at 877.331.4252 or send us a message through our contact form.